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所有译文 - michalharis


约有40项,以下是第1 - 20项
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英语 Situation awareness about the catastrophe taking...
Situation awareness about the catastrophe taking place in the Palestinian lands
The gerundive is to signify that the catastrophe is not an event of the past but is rather continuous and long-term.

葡萄牙语 Conscientização...
西班牙语 La conciencia de la situación sobre ...
匈牙利语 Tájékoztatás a ...
丹麦语 Bevidsthed om situationen omkring den katastrofe...
土耳其语 Filistin topraklarında
保加利亚语 Осъзнатост за
荷兰语 de bewustwording
俄语 Осведомленность о ситуации
挪威语 Oppmerksomhet om den situasjon der finder sted...
罗马尼亚语 ConÅŸtientizarea situaÅ£iei privitoare la catastrofele ce...
瑞典语 Situationsmedvetenhet kring katastrofen
希腊语 Επίγνωση καταστάσεως
波兰语 Åšwiadomość sytuacji w obliczu katastrofy ...
阿拉伯语 إدراك الأوضاع المفجعة الّتي تعرفها الأراضي الفلسطينيّة
芬兰语 Tietoisuus tilanteesta, joka koskee katastrofia...
希伯来语 מודעות לאסון המתרחש
塞尔维亚语 Svest o katastrofi
乌克兰语 Обізнаність у ситуації, що стосується катастрофи на території Палестини
德语 Situationsbewusstsein für die Katastrophe stattfindend auf palästinensischem Staatsboden.
项目 - Nakba Research 源语言
英语 NakbaResearch - disclaimers
This website shall be regarded as biased towards solidarity and truth.

All the information provided here, collected first hand from witnesses and public documents, is not supposed to be neutral, however its content is published honestly.
These two disclaimer will be on the website and are basically saying that the website is biased with truth and opposes propaganda.

保加利亚语 NakbaResearch - Декларация
西班牙语 Este sitio web ...
丹麦语 Nabka Forskning - ansvarsfraskrivelser
葡萄牙语 NakbaResearch - limitação de responsabilidade.
希伯来语 חקר ×”"נכבה"
俄语 NakbaResearch - оговорка
阿拉伯语 النكبة
斯洛伐克语 Vasu rezervaciu evidujeme a pocitame s Vami.
Vasu rezervaciu evidujeme a pocitame s Vami.

英语 We keep your reservation on record ...
波兰语 Rezerwacja
斯洛伐克语 Dňа oznámil nа tunajÅ¡ie...
Dňа oznámil nа tunajšie oddelenie PZ оbčап, Bulharsko krádеž dvoch zadných skupinových svetiel z návesu zn. Koegel e.číslo. Uvedená udalost' je šetrená па tunajšom oddelení pod hore uvedeným číslom.
I'm not sure about the source language.

英语 On the day announced...
保加利亚语 Ð’ споменатия ден
法语 traduction de compétences commerciales dans cadre d'une hotline de gestion de nom de domaine
- gestion d'un portefeuille client, suivi des fichiers clients, réponses aux besoins des clients
- actions commerciales, support client et négociation des termes & conditions
- développement du portefeuille clients (actions commerciales)
- mailing de prospection clients
- support technique client (hotline)
- gestion téléphonique (demandes clients & divers …)
- collecte de données pour la réalisation de phoning
- suivi des clients (actions commerciales, besoins, négociations conditions)
- établissement de devis pro forma
traduction anglais britannique

Admin's note : Specialized vocabular, not that easy to find in dictionaries ==> ACCEPTED REQUEST

<edit> "action" with "actions"</edit>

英语 translation of the commercial skills in the context of hodline management of domain names
斯洛伐克语 Už kvitnú divé maky!!! Krása!!!!
Už kvitnú divé maky!!! Krása!!!!
umarım birisi bu metni terçüme edebilir. şimdiden tesekkurler.

英语 Wild poppies have begun to blossom already
土耳其语 Gelincik çiçekleri açmaya baÅŸladı
捷克语 Moje milá...
{2530}{2570}Vyhrál jsem
{2690}{2740}Moje milá Eliso, jsem lepší.
{2770}{2800}Podvádìl jsi
I need translation of subtitles for a certain italian series, but i could only find it in czech language, so i hope someone can translate it to english or serbian, i have 25 more episodes that need transaltion :)

英语 My dear...
塞尔维亚语 Mila moja
波斯尼亚语 Draga moja
克罗地亚语 Mila moja...
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